Sunday, May 23, 2010


I believe that I have successfully created a space like abstract environment. I also have achieved to create my intended animation such as spinning, breaking and shifting the model as shown in my previous uploads ‘animation’. The reflective metal material creates interesting colour, shadows and light that I am very pleased with as it creates further movement as you explore the spac3. To create a more aesthetically pleasing environment I chose white, plain background because it added a nice contrast to the purple colour. I mainly used object move and rotate to create my animations for the strips. To produce the movie I also used different camera angles and effects like zoom in and out to emphasize the space like effect. The music I used was awesome has it added nicely to the space theme of the movie and also was in sync with the movements!! Overall, I believe that I have produced a movie that portrays my intended theme and environment/space.


  1. IMpressed by the space very seems,
    hence it z spationale..........than rationale...
    JFJKX.........Nice work........keep it up.....!!!

  2. IM...also..pressed...IMpressed very much by urz seems........!!!
